For the record, i still read your name on the posters, billboards and flyers I encounter everyday. i still see your initials oddly carved on that monobloc chair at the lobby of one of the offices i go to. It's true, i haven't been talking to you and about you for some time now, but that does not lessen the veracity of what supposedly should have been there. before you left that afternoon, you asked me if there was anything else that you needed to hear. i still had things to tell you, i know. but it was only during our prior conversation that i realized this: there are things better left unsaid and unanswered for now. funny, i had the same heart months ago. i really don't know what happened. everything was supposed to be just a gentle quiet affirmation, something that would've held a promise. but you chose to end it all right there and then. maybe it was something out of panic, some sort of defense mechanism, of self-preservation. But then again, maybe not. Maybe the decision to lock the doors for me was slowly building up in you at the very same time the courage to knock on the door was building up in me. or maybe it already was, right from the start. And there is no way to know for now. I stand at the edge of the cliff, looking at the many other roads i might possibly take from here. I pray that God would make my wings strong enough for me to land on one of these roads gracefully and continue my journey. I pray for yours too, as i have always been.
Maybe somewhere in the far horizon, on one of these roads, we'll get to share another short chapter again, maybe not. We'll never know until we're there. For now, let us spread our wings.
I am fading...Just when I’ve worked so hard To see and be seen, be known and to know. I am turning into a ghost, And I am afraid of myself Of what I am becoming, Because I can’t stop it. My hands are tied, And I can feel myself Giving in to the tide, Letting the waters
Rise over my head, And just sleep.
I'm Ok...
it's not that i don't appreciate kind eyes, gentle words, that warm hand on my shoulder and maybe an awkward hug now and then. i just want to let you know that it's ok not to worry about me because everything will be fine.but then again. when did that make anything better with us.
free me from this day and all the thoughts in my head stuck like fishbones in my throat. pull at the chain's slack cut me free let my wings remember its romance with the wind. i have been on the ground too long roots have grown on my feet free me from today and let my eyes set sight on what never was then maybe i could learn what it means to soar again.
Playing Games
you're so not good at this hiding thing, you know. although i can't get through your closed doors i always know where you are. i'll show you how it is to hide. you won't even know i'm gone. i always did this before you came along. let's play hide and seek. and i'll hide while you hide. the person who can wait the longest and be the one who is found wins.
Dear Lord
i feel so weak (i am weak) i miss you i haven't done anything bad lately--but i know i've done much worse i'm Pretending again making it look like i'm strong when all the while i've been floudering away from you take out these preoccupations from my hands i am disgusted with myself for holding on to these i said i had given up to you.
i think i will write in straight sentences and blocks of paragraphs right now i don't feel safe with the broken structure of verses at this moment i need a warm hug without worrying if it's time to let go and if i can hang on to it forever much like the first time i fell in love it felt like i could fall for all time until i crashed to the ground and i could still taste the dirt in my mouth and it wasn't sweet or salty like the water out of my eyes i'm drowning in and i keep on sinking oh god i don't know what i should do anymore.
To Those Who Have Gone Ahead
come back walk with me for a while even when our hands seldom touch it's easier to cross an intersection beside somebody who looks both ways takes the danger side for you.
dear you
a few years from now we'll ask ourselves, "what happened?"
who drew that invisible line that says"what's mine, and what's yours"how friends cross the ever growing wall to get from my side to yours.sometimes i think"had i only bridged that silence..." in the car with real words instead of ones made of clouds that made us laugh until we get to the house where there's space enough to move around each other not to talk.a few years from now maybe we'll finally go and lean on that wall that's grown and ask ourselves,"what happened?"and figure out what had gotten us to where we are.and maybe find a chink in the wall to see me and you from where we each stand.but right now.i really really really don't want us there a few years from now.
Posted at 08:41 am by peachespeeled
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
inches and miles
it's far easier to face miles and miles of distance to trek just to be with you than watching the inches of space between our hands and shoulders and breathing chests but never touching
Posted at 04:59 pm by peachespeeled
Thursday, April 29, 2004
the art of lying
how are you?i'm great. (said with a smile, full teeth to show i'm sane enoughto brush this morning before going to out to face the world.)you sure?yes, i'm sure.(as sure as i am hanging onto the rungs that stand between me and the pit ofdespair as i dangle in the brink of a full blown depression.)
Posted at 10:12 am by peachespeeled
overheard from a phone conversation
"how can you tell if i'm looking depressed when you can't see me?oh.well, i'm sighing more 'cause you can't see me."-------------------------how does one begin counting the ways and meanings contained in a sigh?it's a teardrop held together by a thin tension on the sides that breaks when it does one begin counting the needs and demands to be met as soon as yesterday?i am rushing because it's like i don't have time to do everything be everything i have to be sister, lover, friend, model citizen daughter of my parents child of i sigh. breath.remember to breath.i can't keel over,not right now because there's still so much to be done and become.
Posted at 10:04 am by peachespeeled
Saturday, April 17, 2004
i wish i could've written this first
We wonder at it even then The impossible symmetry,Our fingers thread each other Perfectly—The pleasure was An ocean peeling off
Then whaling down in tonnes, And we were aware of inner tides
Watering our innocence.
Posted at 01:27 pm by peachespeeled
...can i reserve this spot beside you while i go up and collect myself?i'll be back as soon as i can.
i'm taking a breakin silence right now and these words are not made for ripples in my stillness.but the habit of you here, your hands sheltering mine,your breathing cradling me and letting me keep my solitude behind my eyes,i can't do without luv.
Posted at 09:00 am by peachespeelings
Monday, March 22, 2004
to say something
this is just to say, mister that i am tired so many roads and turns and bends have rolled under me. miles accumulating like age on my shoulders weigh me down at the setting of each day. so there.
Posted at 12:23 am by peachespeelings
Sunday, March 21, 2004
i am groping in the dark eyes closed tight fingers walking, palms scraping the ground.vipers slip sliding on dust like glass.secrets are found on the last place you'd find them.and sometimes digging and wriggling into warrens require you to face down the ground.
Posted at 11:49 pm by peachespeelings
Monday, March 15, 2004
i do love cold feet and warm hands.your shoulders,strong and a pillow smelling of hugs and home,under my cheek.
i can't breathe when i'm neither here or there and your arms are not where i am to hold me where i stand.i'll be back run around in circles until my breath comes back i'll come back my heart is tethered to you.just let me do this right now.i'll be'll see.
Posted at 01:12 pm by peachespeelings
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
one does not really count the people waiting in the need to hear individually their murmurings because they say the different things all the time and they make no sense stay in the need to shout.stay in the dark.and leave me alone to make up my mind.
Posted at 02:24 pm by peachespeelings
Sunday, March 07, 2004
this is for you
it's not just you it's the idea of you the idea of love to rub my hands across your back to kiss you knowing what no one else knows about you seeing you at your weakest moments because you're delicate your smile your strong hugs it's the idea of you that makes my stomach tingle.this is for you and those looks you shoot my way hooks and arrows straight into where the heart catches the cold sadness you hide behind your smiles and kisses and not knowing if it's time to fight this growing panic that gnaws and feeds in the shadows.i wish you won't need to fear,my fear is enoughfor usboth.
Posted at 02:14 pm by peachespeeled
Thursday, March 04, 2004
today my body
my skin is ill-fitting on me. it sags and bulges in places i hide beneathe folds of my clothes and cross of my arms my feet on the ground burns if they stay too long where they are my hands fidgets and covers each other wiping sticky stains on each other to clean up my eyes cannot keep it up it closes and rolls and rests in the air over your shoulder my mouth searches for words it thirsts to say and unsay and dries in silence
Posted at 08:22 pm by peachespeelings
i am...
the sea shifting and vast here and gone roars and sighs pounds and breaks dark and fathoms storms and teeth and vast the wind vain and unseen here, beyond your grasp dancing and singing murmuring a sweep of full skirts and gone the rain sympathetic apathetic heavy and dulling always ends threatens and falls.
Posted at 08:15 pm by peachespeelings
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
this was supposed to be my last post until i remembered what you said that one can never trust tomorrow and so i thought of all the tomorrows (now yesterdays and today) and decided that you could be right or wrong, depending on how which way you look at it
but the truth is. i can trust tomorrow we know it'll always become today and today is always here it just occured to me it's just me that i can't trust so maybe this will be my last post in a while because i feel like running today or maybe not.
Posted at 01:29 pm by peachespeeled
don't do that do this instead stay go relax be vigilant you know what to do just as long as you follow my lead don't let go never give up be strong hang on (one of them days i want to say no again.)
Posted at 01:22 pm by peachespeelings
Sunday, February 29, 2004
this day
today is the day for objections of raising my fists and banging the tables today is not the day for apologies for polite smiles and downcast eyes today is the day i don't have to put up with any of this today is the day i say i don't want any of this and this isn't what i want. to refuse to listen to reason.give in to tantrums and stomp the floor for all its just isn't my day.
Posted at 03:03 pm by peachespeeled
for all those times i wanted to say no
thanks, but no. no. no.sounds like a good idea but no. no.idon't think no. no. no.interesting.but i don't like want it.,yeah. but. no
Posted at 02:53 pm by peachespeeled
Friday, February 27, 2004
this isn't poetry she said, waving flammable leaves tatooed with fresh blood.poetry is this thoughts made whole tangible concrete. poetry puts your heart in my hands until i feel the blood ooze between my fingers then this isn't my poetry.i say my poetry sacrifices my body on the altar where blood collects in canals so the ghost rises up freed. intangible. so it moves through walls and walls one cage to another to leave and return to places where i can no longer go.
Posted at 09:43 am by peachespeelings
For the record, i still read your name on the posters, billboards and flyers I encounter everyday. i still see your initials oddly carved on that monobloc chair at the lobby of one of the offices i go to. It's true, i haven't been talking to you and about you for some time now, but that does not lessen the veracity of what supposedly should have been there. before you left that afternoon, you asked me if there was anything else that you needed to hear. i still had things to tell you, i know. but it was only during our prior conversation that i realized this: there are things better left unsaid and unanswered for now. funny, i had the same heart months ago. i really don't know what happened. everything was supposed to be just a gentle quiet affirmation, something that would've held a promise. but you chose to end it all right there and then. maybe it was something out of panic, some sort of defense mechanism, of self-preservation. But then again, maybe not. Maybe the decision to lock the doors for me was slowly building up in you at the very same time the courage to knock on the door was building up in me. or maybe it already was, right from the start. And there is no way to know for now. I stand at the edge of the cliff, looking at the many other roads i might possibly take from here. I pray that God would make my wings strong enough for me to land on one of these roads gracefully and continue my journey. I pray for yours too, as i have always been.
Maybe somewhere in the far horizon, on one of these roads, we'll get to share another short chapter again, maybe not. We'll never know until we're there. For now, let us spread our wings.
I am fading...Just when I’ve worked so hard To see and be seen, be known and to know. I am turning into a ghost, And I am afraid of myself Of what I am becoming, Because I can’t stop it. My hands are tied, And I can feel myself Giving in to the tide, Letting the waters
Rise over my head, And just sleep.
I'm Ok...
it's not that i don't appreciate kind eyes, gentle words, that warm hand on my shoulder and maybe an awkward hug now and then. i just want to let you know that it's ok not to worry about me because everything will be fine.but then again. when did that make anything better with us.
free me from this day and all the thoughts in my head stuck like fishbones in my throat. pull at the chain's slack cut me free let my wings remember its romance with the wind. i have been on the ground too long roots have grown on my feet free me from today and let my eyes set sight on what never was then maybe i could learn what it means to soar again.
Playing Games
you're so not good at this hiding thing, you know. although i can't get through your closed doors i always know where you are. i'll show you how it is to hide. you won't even know i'm gone. i always did this before you came along. let's play hide and seek. and i'll hide while you hide. the person who can wait the longest and be the one who is found wins.
Dear Lord
i feel so weak (i am weak) i miss you i haven't done anything bad lately--but i know i've done much worse i'm Pretending again making it look like i'm strong when all the while i've been floudering away from you take out these preoccupations from my hands i am disgusted with myself for holding on to these i said i had given up to you.
i think i will write in straight sentences and blocks of paragraphs right now i don't feel safe with the broken structure of verses at this moment i need a warm hug without worrying if it's time to let go and if i can hang on to it forever much like the first time i fell in love it felt like i could fall for all time until i crashed to the ground and i could still taste the dirt in my mouth and it wasn't sweet or salty like the water out of my eyes i'm drowning in and i keep on sinking oh god i don't know what i should do anymore.
To Those Who Have Gone Ahead
come back walk with me for a while even when our hands seldom touch it's easier to cross an intersection beside somebody who looks both ways takes the danger side for you.
dear you
a few years from now we'll ask ourselves, "what happened?"
who drew that invisible line that says"what's mine, and what's yours"how friends cross the ever growing wall to get from my side to yours.sometimes i think"had i only bridged that silence..." in the car with real words instead of ones made of clouds that made us laugh until we get to the house where there's space enough to move around each other not to talk.a few years from now maybe we'll finally go and lean on that wall that's grown and ask ourselves,"what happened?"and figure out what had gotten us to where we are.and maybe find a chink in the wall to see me and you from where we each stand.but right now.i really really really don't want us there a few years from now.
Posted at 08:41 am by peachespeeled
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
inches and miles
it's far easier to face miles and miles of distance to trek just to be with you than watching the inches of space between our hands and shoulders and breathing chests but never touching
Posted at 04:59 pm by peachespeeled
Thursday, April 29, 2004
the art of lying
how are you?i'm great. (said with a smile, full teeth to show i'm sane enoughto brush this morning before going to out to face the world.)you sure?yes, i'm sure.(as sure as i am hanging onto the rungs that stand between me and the pit ofdespair as i dangle in the brink of a full blown depression.)
Posted at 10:12 am by peachespeeled
overheard from a phone conversation
"how can you tell if i'm looking depressed when you can't see me?oh.well, i'm sighing more 'cause you can't see me."-------------------------how does one begin counting the ways and meanings contained in a sigh?it's a teardrop held together by a thin tension on the sides that breaks when it does one begin counting the needs and demands to be met as soon as yesterday?i am rushing because it's like i don't have time to do everything be everything i have to be sister, lover, friend, model citizen daughter of my parents child of i sigh. breath.remember to breath.i can't keel over,not right now because there's still so much to be done and become.
Posted at 10:04 am by peachespeeled
Saturday, April 17, 2004
i wish i could've written this first
We wonder at it even then The impossible symmetry,Our fingers thread each other Perfectly—The pleasure was An ocean peeling off Then whaling down in tonnes, And we were aware of inner tides Watering our innocence.
Posted at 01:27 pm by peachespeeled
...can i reserve this spot beside you while i go up and collect myself?i'll be back as soon as i can.
i'm taking a breakin silence right now and these words are not made
for ripples in my stillness.but the habit of you here, your hands sheltering mine,your breathing cradling me and letting me keep my solitude behind my eyes,i can't do without luv.
Posted at 09:00 am by peachespeelings
Monday, March 22, 2004
to say something
this is just to say, mister that i am tired so many roads and turns and bends have rolled under me. miles accumulating like age on my shoulders weigh me down at the setting of each day. so there.
Posted at 12:23 am by peachespeelings
Sunday, March 21, 2004
i am groping in the dark eyes closed tight fingers walking, palms scraping the ground.vipers slip sliding on dust like glass.secrets are found on the last place you'd find them.and sometimes digging and wriggling into warrens require you to face down the ground.
Posted at 11:49 pm by peachespeelings
Monday, March 15, 2004
i do love cold feet and warm hands.your shoulders,strong and a pillow smelling of hugs and home,under my cheek.
i can't breathe when i'm neither here or there and your arms are not where i am to hold me where i stand.i'll be back run around in circles until my breath comes back i'll come back my heart is tethered to you.just let me do this right now.i'll be'll see.
Posted at 01:12 pm by peachespeelings
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
one does not really count the people waiting in the need to hear individually their murmurings because they say the different things all the time and they make no sense stay in the need to shout.stay in the dark.and leave me alone to make up my mind.
Posted at 02:24 pm by peachespeelings
Sunday, March 07, 2004
this is for you
it's not just you it's the idea of you the idea of love to rub my hands across your back to kiss you knowing what no one else knows about you seeing you at your weakest moments because you're delicate your smile your strong hugs it's the idea of you that makes my stomach tingle.this is for you and those looks you shoot my way hooks and arrows straight into where the heart catches the cold sadness you hide behind your smiles and kisses and not knowing if it's time to fight this growing panic that gnaws and feeds in the shadows.i wish you won't need to fear,my fear is enoughfor usboth.
Posted at 02:14 pm by peachespeeled
Thursday, March 04, 2004
today my body
my skin is ill-fitting on me. it sags and bulges in places i hide beneathe folds of my clothes and cross of my arms my feet on the ground burns if they stay too long where they are my hands fidgets and covers each other wiping sticky stains on each other to clean up my eyes cannot keep it up it closes and rolls and rests in the air over your shoulder my mouth searches for words it thirsts to say and unsay and dries in silence
Posted at 08:22 pm by peachespeelings
i am...
the sea shifting and vast here and gone roars and sighs pounds and breaks dark and fathoms storms and teeth and vast the wind vain and unseen here, beyond your grasp dancing and singing murmuring a sweep of full skirts and gone the rain sympathetic apathetic heavy and dulling always ends threatens and falls.
Posted at 08:15 pm by peachespeelings
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
this was supposed to be my last post until i remembered what you said that one can never trust tomorrow and so i thought of all the tomorrows (now yesterdays and today) and decided that you could be right or wrong, depending on how which way you look at it but the truth is. i can trust tomorrow we know it'll always become today and today is always here it just occured to me it's just me that i can't trust so maybe this will be my last post in a while because i feel like running today or maybe not.
Posted at 01:29 pm by peachespeeled
don't do that do this instead stay go relax be vigilant you know what to do just as long as you follow my lead don't let go never give up be strong hang on (one of them days i want to say no again.)
Posted at 01:22 pm by peachespeelings
Sunday, February 29, 2004
this day
today is the day for objections of raising my fists and banging the tables today is not the day for apologies for polite smiles and downcast eyes today is the day i don't have to put up with any of this today is the day i say i don't want any of this and this isn't what i want. to refuse to listen to reason.give in to tantrums and stomp the floor for all its just isn't my day.
Posted at 03:03 pm by peachespeeled
for all those times i wanted to say no
thanks, but no. no. no.sounds like a good idea but no. no.idon't think no. no. no.interesting.but i don't like want it.,yeah. but. no
Posted at 02:53 pm by peachespeeled
Friday, February 27, 2004
this isn't poetry she said, waving flammable leaves tatooed with fresh blood.poetry is this thoughts made whole tangible concrete. poetry puts your heart in my hands until i feel the blood ooze between my fingers then this isn't my poetry.i say my poetry sacrifices my body on the altar where blood collects in canals so the ghost rises up freed. intangible. so it moves through walls and walls one cage to another to leave and return to places where i can no longer go.
Posted at 09:43 am by peachespeelings
i still see your initials oddly carved on that monobloc chair at the lobby of one of the offices i go to. It's true, i haven't been talking to you and about you for some time now, but that does not lessen the veracity of what supposedly should have been there. before you left that afternoon, you asked me if there was anything else that you needed to hear. i still had things to tell you, i know. but it was only during our prior conversation that i realized this: there are things better left unsaid and unanswered for now. funny, i had the same heart months ago. i really don't know what happened. everything was supposed to be just a gentle quiet affirmation, something that would've held a promise. but you chose to end it all right there and then.maybe it was something out of panic, some sort of defense mechanism, of self-preservation. But then again, maybe not. Maybe the decision to lock the doors for me was slowly building up in you at the very same time the courage to knock on the door was building up in me. or maybe it already was, right from the start. And there is no way to know for now. I stand at the edge of the cliff, looking at the many other roads i might possibly take from here. I pray that God would make my wings strong enough for me to land on one of these roads gracefully and continue my journey.
I pray for yours too, as i have always been. Maybe somewhere in the far horizon, on one of these roads, we'll get to share another short chapter again, maybe not. We'll never know until we're there. For now, let us spread our wings.
Her Athropy Poem...
I am fading...Just when I’ve worked so hard
To see and be seen, be known and to know.
I am turning into a ghost, And I am afraid of myself
Of what I am becoming, Because I can’t stop it.
My hands are tied, And I can feel myself
Giving in to the tide, Letting the waters
Rise over my head, And just sleep.
Her I'm Ok Poem...
it's not that i don't appreciate kind eyes, gentle words, that warm hand on my shoulderand maybe an awkward hug now and then.
i just want to let you knowthat it's ok not to worry about mebecause everything will be fine.but then again. when did that make anything better with us.
Her Cages Poem
free me from this dayand all the thoughts in my headstuck like fishbones in my throat.
pull at the chain's slackcut me free let my wings remember
its romance with the wind.
i have been on the ground too long
roots have grown on my feetfree me from todayand let my eyes set sighton what never was
then maybe i could learn
what it meansto soar again.
Her Playing Games Poem
you're so not good at this hiding thing, you know.
although i can't get through your closed doorsi always know where you are.
i'll show you how it is to hide.
you won't even know i'm gone.
i always did this before you came along.
let's play hide and seek.
and i'll hide while you hide.
the person who can wait the longestand be the one who is found wins.
Her Dear Lord Poem
i feel so weak (i am weak)
i miss you
i haven't done anything bad lately--
but i know i've done much worse
i'm Pretending again
making it look like i'm strong
when all the while i've been floudering away from you
take out these preoccupations from my hands
i am disgusted with myself for holding on to these
i said i had given upto you.
Her Prose Poem
i think i will write in straight sentences and blocks of paragraphs right now i don't feel safe with the broken structure of verses at this moment i need a warm hug without worrying if it's time to let go and if i can hang on to it forever much like the first time i fell in love it felt like i could fall for all time until i crashed to the ground and i could still taste the dirt in my mouth and it wasn't sweet or salty like the water out of my eyes i'm drowning in and i keep on sinking ogodidon'tknowwhatishoulddoanymore
Her To Those Who Have Gone Ahead Poem
come back walk with me for a while
even when our hands seldom touch it's easier to cross an intersection
beside somebody who looks both ways
takes the danger sidefor you.
dear you
a few years from now we'll ask ourselves, "what happened?" who drew that invisible line that says"what's mine, and what's yours"how friends cross the ever growing wall to get from my side to yours.sometimes i think"had i only bridged that silence..." in the car with real words instead of ones made of clouds that made us laugh until we get to the house where there's space enough to move around each other not to talk. a few years from now maybe we'll finally go and lean on that wall that's grown and ask ourselves,"what happened?"and figure out what had gotten us to where we are. and maybe find a chink in the wall to see me and you from where we each stand. but right now.i really really really don't want us there a few years from now.
Posted at 08:41 am by peaches
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
inches and miles
it's far easier to face miles and miles of distance to trek just to be with you than watching the inches of space between our hands and shoulders and breathing chests
but never touching
Posted at 04:59 pm by peaches
Thursday, April 29, 2004
the art of lying
how are you?i'm great.
(said with a smile, full teeth to show i'm sane enough to brush this morning before going to out to face the world.)you sure?yes, i'm sure.(as sure as i am hanging onto the rungs that stand between me and the pit of despair as i dangle in the brink of a full blown depression.)
Posted at 10:12 am by peaches
overheard from a phone conversation
"how can you tell if i'm looking depressed when you can't see me?oh.well, i'm sighing more 'cause you can't see me."-------------------------how does one begin counting the ways and meanings contained in a sigh?it's a teardrop held together by a thin tension on the sides that breaks when it does one begin counting the needs and demands to be met as soon as yesterday?i am rushing because it's like i don't have time to do everything be everything i have to be sister, lover, friend, model citizen daughter of my parents child of i sigh. breath.remember to breath.i can't keel over,not right now because there's still so much to be done and become.
Posted at 10:04 am by peaches
Saturday, April 17, 2004
i wish i could've written this first
We wonder at it even then
The impossible symmetry,
Our fingers thread each other
The pleasure was
An ocean peeling off
Then whaling down in tonnes,
And we were aware of inner tides
Watering our innocence.
(Colin Tan)
Posted at 01:27 pm by peaches
...can i reserve this spot beside you while i go up and collect myself?i'll be back as soon as i can.
i'm taking a breakin silence right now and these words are not made for ripples in my stillness.but the habit of you here, your hands sheltering mine,your breathing cradling me and letting me keep my solitude behind my eyes,i can't do without luv.
Posted at 09:00 am by peaches
Monday, March 22, 2004
to say something this is just to say, mister that i am tired so many roads and turns and bends have rolled under me.miles accumulating like age on my shoulders weigh me down at the setting of each day. so there.
Posted at 12:23 am by peaches
Sunday, March 21, 2004
i am groping in the dark eyes closed tight fingers walking, palms scraping the ground.vipers slip sliding on dust like glass.secrets are found on the last place you'd find them.and sometimes digging and wriggling into warrens require you to face down the ground.
Posted at 11:49 pm by peaches
Monday, March 15, 2004
i do love cold feet and warm hands.your shoulders,strong and a pillow smelling of hugs and home,under my cheek.
i can't breathe when i'm neither here or there and your arms are not where i am to hold me where i stand.i'll be back run around in circles until my breath comes back i'll come back my heart is tethered to you.just let me do this right now.i'll be'll see.
Posted at 01:12 pm by peaches
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
one does notreally countthe people waiting in the need to hear individually their murmurings because they say the different things all the time and they make nosense stay in the need to shout.stay in the dark.and leave me aloneto make up my mind.
Posted at 02:24 pm by peaches
Sunday, March 07, 2004
this is for you
it's not just you it's the idea of you the idea of love to rub my hands across your back to kiss you knowing what no one else knows about you seeing you at your weakest moments because you're delicate your smile your strong hugs it's the idea of you that makes my stomach tingle.(isabella joy)----------------------------this is for you and those looks you shoot my way hooks and arrows straight into where the heart catches the cold sadness you hide behind your smiles and kisses and not knowing if it's time to fight this growing panic that gnaws and feeds in the shadows.i wish you won't need to fear,my fear is enough for us both.
Posted at 02:14 pm by peaches
Thursday, March 04, 2004
today my body
my skin is ill-fitting on me. it sags and bulges in places i hide beneath the folds of my clothes and cross of my arms my feet on the ground burns if they stay too long where they are my hands fidgets and covers each other wiping sticky stains on each other to clean up my eyes cannot keep it up it closes and rolls and rests in the air over your shoulder my mouth searches for words it thirsts to say and unsay and dries in silence
Posted at 08:22 pm by peaches
i am...
the sea shifting and vast here and gone roars and sighs pounds and breaks dark and fathoms storms and teeth and vast the wind vain and unseen here, beyond your grasp dancing and singing murmuring a sweep of full skirts and gone the rain sympathetic apathetic heavy and dulling always ends threatens and falls.
Posted at 08:15 pm by peaches
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
this was supposed to be my last post until i remembered what you said that one can never trust tomorrow and so i thought of all the tomorrows (now yesterdays and today)and decided that you could be right or wrong, depending on how which way you look at it but the truth is. i can trust tomorrow we know it'll always become today and today is always here it just occured to me it's just me that i can't trust so maybe this will be my last post in a while because i feel like running today or maybe not.
Posted at 01:29 pm by peaches
don't do that do this instead stay go relax be vigilant you know what to do just as long as you follow my lead don't let go never give up be strong hang on (one of them days i want to say no again.)
Posted at 01:22 pm by peaches
Sunday, February 29, 2004
this day
today is the day for objections of raising my fists and banging the tables today is not the day for apologies for polite smiles and downcast eyes today is the day i don't have to put up with any of this today is the day i say i don't want any of this and this isn't what i want. to refuse to listen to reason.give in to tantrums and stomp the floor for all its just isn't my day.
Posted at 03:03 pm by peaches
for all those times i wanted to say no thanks, but no. no. no.sounds like a good idea'tthinkso.nono. no. no.interesting.but i don't like want,yeah. but. no
Posted at 02:53 pm by peaches
Friday, February 27, 2004
this isn't poetry she said, waving flammable leaves tatooed with fresh blood.poetry is this thoughts made whole tangible concrete.poetry puts your heart in my hands until i feel the blood ooze between my fingers then this isn't my poetry.i say my poetry sacrifices my body on the altar where blood collects in canals so the ghost rises up freed. it moves through walls and walls one cage to another to leave and return to places where i can no longer go.
Posted at 09:43 am by peaches
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