Boyce Avenue-Super love it!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Heavenly Attitude From Shan...

This would give you guides on how to control your emotions towards your better-half, friends, officemates and all the people around you, especially your "boss".
The rules of practicing "ugaling langit, ugaling kaaya-aya"
#1 Ang naunang magalit ang may karapatang magalit. Pag naunahan ka na ng galit niya,tumahimik ka na lang muna.
#2 Walang taong nag-aaway mag-isa. Pag hindi kayo sumagot o pumatol, titigil din daw ang taong nakikipag- away sa inyo.
#3 Ang taong galit, 'bingi.' If someone is angry,wala raw pinakikinggan, so, don't try to explain and fight back. Hindi ka niya iintindihin dahil wala siyang naririnig kundi ang sarili nya.
#4 Ang taong galit, 'abnoy.' Ayon sa pastor,Biblical daw ito? because the Lord said when Hewas crucified, "Father, patawarin mo sila dahil hindi nila alam ang kanilang ginagawa." Modern term forthese kinds of people are abnoys, so you better not get angry para huwag kang matawag na abnoy.You should also know and realize that the persons who make your day bad are jewels, because you need them for you to mature. Hangga't andyan daw sila at kinaiinisan mo, ibig sabihin, immature ka pa. God will not take away those people; it's for you to take away your bad feelings towards them. You'll know na mature ka na pag dumating 'yung time na hindi ka na naiinis sa mga taong ito because you have learned to accept them and to have patience with them.
#5 Finally, the best part of this is to tell yourself na, because of this person, "I will grow mature,"and that DAHIL SA CONTRIBUTION NIYA SA MATURITY MO, KUKUNIN DIN SYA NI LORD.

Something i learned from a friend...

Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.During my second month of college, our professorgave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious studentand had breezed through the questions until I readthe last one:"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen thecleaning woman several times. She was tall,dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?I handed in my paper, leaving the last questionblank. Just before class ended, one student asked ifthe last question would count toward our quiz grade."Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers,you will meet many people. All are significant. Theydeserve your attention and care, even if all you dois smile and say "hello."I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned hername was Dorothy. 2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the RainOne night, at 11:30 p.m., an elderly African-Americanwoman was standing on the side of an Alabama highwaytrying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car hadbroken down and she desperately needed a ride.Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.A young white man stopped to help her, generallyunheard of in those conflict-filled 60s.. The mantook her to safety, helped her get assistance andput her into a taxicab.She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down hisaddress and thanked him. Seven days went by and aknock came on the man's door. To his surprise, agiant console color TV was delivered to his home. Aspecial note was attached..It read:"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highwaythe other night. The rain drenched not only myclothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along.Because of you, I was able to make it to my dyinghusband's bedside just before he passed away... Godbless you for helping me and unselfishly servingothers."Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole. 3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less,a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop andsat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him."How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked."Fifty cents," replied the waitress.The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket andstudied the coins in it."Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.By now more people were waiting for a table and thewaitress was growing impatient."Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.The little boy again counted his coins."I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill onthe table and walked away. The boy finished the icecream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitresscame back, she began to cry as she wiped down thetable. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish,were two nickels and five pennies..You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he hadto have enough left to leave her a tip.4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on aroadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see ifanyone would remove the huge rock. Some of theking's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came byand simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed theKing for not keeping the roads clear, but none didanything about getting the stone out of the way.Then a peasant came along carrying a load ofvegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, thepeasant laid down his burden and tried to move thestone to the s ide of the road. After much pushingand straining, he finally succeeded. After thepeasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticeda purse lying in the road where the boulder hadbeen. The purse contained many gold coins and a notefrom the King indicating that the gold was for theperson who removed the boulder from the roadway. Thepeasant learned what many of us never understand!Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at ahospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz whowas suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her onlychance of recovery appeared to be a bloodtransfusion from her 5-year old brother, who hadmiraculously survived the same disease and haddeveloped the antibodies needed to combat theillness. The doctor explained the situation to herlittle brother, and asked the little boy if he wouldbe willing to give his blood to his sister.I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking adeep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it willsave her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay inbed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did,seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then hisface grew pale and his smile faded.He looked up at the doctor and asked with atrembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".Being young, the little boy had misunderstood thedoctor; he thought he was going to have to give hissister all of his blood in order to save her. "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching."

31 Ways To Make A Girl Smile!

This, I found at bhabes' blog...It caught my attention...Well, i could relate and i'll highlight it for you!Happy Reading!

1. Tell her she is beautiful
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its justfor a second.
3. Hug her from behind
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her :)
6. don't go hang out with you ex when shes notwith you, you might not relize how badly it hurtsher.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you'redone talking, walk over and hug her and kissher....let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as yourgirlfriend or wife(if so).
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up (she loves it)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and shedoesn't like it
13. Make her laugh
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: astuffed animal(she'll hug it every time she goes tosleep), jewelry (she'll treasure it forever), and one ofhis t-shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed) orsweatshirts sprayed with his cologne!! and flowersor something occasionally.
18. Treat her the same around your friends as youdo when you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the heck of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came fromYOU. it means all the world to HER.
25. when she gives you a present on yourbirthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it andtell her you love it, even if you don't (it'll make herhappy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it maynot seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes herthink you don't care so call even if you can onlytalk for a minute. Girls don't necessarily have tohave hour long conversations every night but itsnice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her what she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usuallymean the most.
29.dont hug her friends or your friends that aregirls nor enjoy hanging out with them than her because she'll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang with your girl friend all thetime
31.If u care about her...SHOW her!

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Five's and the Three's Test...

Your Values Profile


You value loyalty a fair amount.

You're loyal to your friends... to a point.

But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties.

Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself.


You value honesty a fair amount.

You're honest when you can be, but you aren't a stickler for it.

If a little white lie will make a situation more comfortable, you'll go for it.

In the end, you mostly care about "situational integrity."


You value generosity a fair amount.

You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take.

Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need.

But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"!


You value humility highly.

You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are.

And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better.

You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low.


You value tolerance highly.

Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...

You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.

You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them.

Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have high extroversion.

You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.

You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.

Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"


You have high conscientiousness.

Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.

Most things in your life are organized and planned well.

But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.


You have high agreeableness.

You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly.

Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone.

You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.


You have medium neuroticism.

You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.

Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.

Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is medium.

You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.

But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.

You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.

In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.

But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!

There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.

You've loved, lost, and loved again.

You have had a wide range of love experiences.

And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is low.

This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.

You know a relationship is not about getting your way.

And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is low.

You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.

No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.

You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.

And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is medium.

In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."

You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.

But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.

You Are Balanced - Believer - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally.

You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go.

Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control.

Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow.

You are a true believer in luck, fate, and karma.

You believe that life is a game of chance - not a game of skill.

You either consider yourself very unlucky or very lucky.

No matter what, you don't feel like you can change the hand you were dealt.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.

You realize that working the system does get you further.

You know who to defer to and who to control.

When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

Your Personality Is

Artisan (SP)

You are both grounded and flexible. You adapt well to new situations.

You are playful and free spirited - but you are also dependable and never flaky.

You don't do well in conservative, stuffy situations.

It's probably very hard for you to keep a normal job or stay in school.

You are always up for fun and adventure. Most people are too boring for you.

You take risks and bend the rules. And if things don't work out, you chock it up to life experience.

In love, you tend to take things quickly - but you have a huge problem with commitment.

At work, you need to make your own rules. You're best suited to be an entrepreneur.

With others, you are animated and physical. You prefer doing something with friends to just hanging out.

As far as your looks go, you tend to be buff and in good shape. Your spend more time on your body than your clothes.

On weekends, you need to keep active. From cooking up a storm to running a 5K, you wear yourself out.

Your Personality Profile

You are dependable, popular, and observant.

Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.

In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.

You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.

And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

My Clothes Results(It's Fun Doin' This!)

Your Style is Classy

You've got class, and you know how to put together a guy catching outfit

You're more likely to shop at Bloomie's than bebe

For you style is looking like a million bucks...

And you're always do with your fantastic yet feminine wardrobe

This Fall, You Should Wear

Destroyed Jeans

You Are Dark Wash Jeans

You prefer to try out new looks, especially ones that are all your own.

You like wearing jeans, as long as you make them part of your style.

The PJ's You Are Most Like: No PJ's

You're a bit of a hedonist - opting for comfort over everything else

You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love

You'll risk that for the feeling of sheets against your bare skin!

What Kind of PJ's Are You?

Your Summery Dress Is


Your Miniskirt Is

Juicy Couture

Your Little Black Dress Is

Stella McCartney

Your Cute Sweater Is

Stripe Emily Sweater

Your Juicy Couture Look Is

Juicy Couture Velour Zip Hoody

Your Wedding Gown Is

Impression Style 2624 Wedding Gown

Your Jessica Simpson Look Is

Princy By Jessica Simpson Dazzle Rose Shirt

Your Sexy Christmas Look Is

Strech Velvet Corset

Your BCBG Look Is

Bcbg Max Azria Floral Beaded Halter Dress

Your Prom / Homecoming Look Is

Sexy Black Dress

Your Sexy Dress Should Be

Floral Embroidery Dress

Your Head Turning Halloween Costume Is

Devil Fairy

Your Funny Costume Is

Hershey's Kiss

Your Sexy Halloween Costume Is


Your Winter Look is Casual

You go for warmth and comfort, yet still manage to look great

What Your White Outfit Means

You're a natural beauty - and you never let your fashion steal the show.

You have a quiet confidence that you'll look great in almost anything.

While you may feel understated, men are attracted to your mystery.

Designer match: Gucci

Signature accessory: A cashmere scarf

Your Fashion Style is Classic

You like what's stood the test of time...

Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy

You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while

You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My Shoes Results

Your Couture Shoes Are

Giuseppe Zanotti E5065

Your Retro Shoes Are

Converse All Star Core OX

Your Boho Shoes Are

Franco Sarto Catwalk

Your Sexy Red Shoes Are

Two Lips Faviola

Your Glam Shoes Are

Via Spiga Sexy

Your Funky Boots Are

N.Y.L.A. Selma

Your Sexy Sandals Are

Roberto Cavalli L5022

Your Sexy Boots Are

Bronx Shoes 12124 Astra

Your Ugg Look Is

Ugg Cozy (Chestnut)

i Am These...A Bit Of Every Last Stuffs

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

How Do People See You?

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around

Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want

You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back

Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!

You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds

You Are More Mild Than Wild

You're confident, and you really aren't concerned with how "hot" you are.

Other people's ideas of what's sexy don't concern you. And this is exactly what makes you attractive.

Your Power Level is: 59%

There's a good chance you feel pretty powerful, and with good reason, you're already fairly successful.

Keep developing your goals and skills, and you'll be surprised by what you can really achieve.

You Are 24% Selfish

In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.

But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you.

People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.

People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.

You Are 76% Happy

You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.

Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.

You Are 52% Open Minded

You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.

Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.

But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.

You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.

You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't?

You expect a lot from your lover - you want the full package. You tend to be very picky.

In fights, you love to debate and defend yourself. You logic prevails - or at least you'd like to think so.

Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.

Who Should Paint You: M.C. Escher

Open and raw, you would let your true self show for your portrait.

And even if your painting turned out a bit dark, it would be honest.

You Are a Prophet Soul

You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.

Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.

Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.

No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.

You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.

Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.

A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.

You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as down to earth and reliable.

Overall, your true self is reserved and logical.

With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody.

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.

You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.

You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.

You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.

While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.

You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.

You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

You Are A Friendly Ex

You and your ex are just friends - great friends really.

(At least that's what you keep telling yourself!)

While civility is a good thing, make sure you're not secretly wanting more...

Your Heart Is Blue

Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.

You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.

Your flirting style: Friendly

Your lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafe

Your dream lover: Is both generous and selfish

What you bring to relationships: Loyalty

You Are Not Scary

Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You have a passion for everything - including sleeping.

Outgoing and brash, you tend to still shock those who know you well.

You tend to be selfish. You are the most likely type to hog the covers.

You gravitate toward comfort and don't like extreme situations.

You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

Your Brain's Pattern

You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.

You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.

People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.

But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

You Are 27 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

Your Daddy Is Arnold Schwarzenegger

What You Call Him: Dada

Why You Love Him: He takes you to church

You Are Very Honest

You tell it like it is, no matter what.

Even if the truth hurts, you'll dish it out.

And while some may get hurt by your honesty...

At least everyone knows where you stand!